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Distracted Driving - Online     
Course Information
DDC Distracted Driving Online helps change drivers' distracted driving attitudes and behaviors. A self-assessment sets the pace with appropriate scenarios, activities and content based on the individual profiles and risk level. This 90-minute course uses an engaging, interactive format that educates employees about the risks and dangers of cellphone use while driving.

In North Dakota, all drivers, regardless of age or experience, are banned from texting while driving, but according to AT&T:
Smartphone activities people do while driving:
• Text (61%)
• Email (33%)
• Surf the net (28%)
• Facebook (27%)

Course Length: Online at your own pace.

This course is NOT approved for an insurance discount and NOT approved for a point reduction. Choose Defensive Driving, Alive at 25 or Attitudinal Dynamics of Driving courses instead to qualify for point reductions or insurance discounts.

Call us to register for this course: 701-223-6372 or 800-932-8890 ask for Traffic Safety.

Please allow up to one business day from time of purchase to receive your course login information.
Facility Advertised pricing
Registration $40.00 member $45.00 non-member
Course Details
Course Code: DDCDDON
Course Length: 1 hr. 30 mins.

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