Do you know how to respond if your colleague collapsed on the job site? This course teaches students to take action in a medical emergency and prepares them to respond to choking, breathing and cardiac emergencies. Participants will learn how to use an automated external defibrillator (AED) in conjunction with CPR. First Aid is taught using a combination of instructor-led lecture, “watch-then-practice” videos, and hands-on training. Topics such as bleeding, burns, poisoning and sudden illness are covered. Course content is applicable for industrial, office, and home settings. Upon completion, receive an Adult 2-year CPR/AED and 2-year First Aid certificate.
This course does not qualify for most medical certifications. Please contact our First Aid Coordinator at (701) 223-6372 with questions.
Course is approved for CEUs by the ND POST Board.
(Must meet minimum registration for classes to be held dependent on location)